AI in Healthcare Part I: When Algorithms Prescribe Prejudice

AI in Healthcare Part I: When Algorithms Prescribe Prejudice
Photo by Austrian National Library / Unsplash

This is a five-part series examining the unmitigated risks of AI in healthcare

By Stephen A. Norris

Recently, I watched a Netflix documentary about the crack epidemic of the 1980s and 90s. As always, below the film were suggestions of other movies that may interest me, based on what I was currently viewing. All but one suggestion were movies that had something to do with drugs. The lone outlier was a documentary about the 1983 N.C. State Wolfpack men's basketball team’s run to the NCAA national championship. There was no obvious relation between the two films other than one glaring similarity: Both predominantly featured Black people.

The same technology that makes it possible for Netflix to make recommendations for you based on what you watch is now available to your healthcare provider. Similar to Netflix’s brow-raising suggestion, the technology being used in healthcare spaces is leading to many questions about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on health disparities.

In late 2023, Microsoft and Epic announced a partnership to produce clinical word generation, using OpenAI. It’s just one of a growing number of AI scribes being used in healthcare offices. The partnership includes AI-powered “note summarization to support faster documentation through suggested text and rapid review with in-context summaries and tools to reduce manual, labor-intensive processes,” according to Fierce Healthcare News, which detailed the deal in August 2023. 

AI technology has been widely used for administrative tasks in healthcare such as scheduling, billing, claims administration, and organizing medical records. While many (myself included) are hopeful for the potential of AI to improve health equity, it cannot make meaningful progress without first addressing deeply entrenched, existing biases in healthcare.

“We no longer think the way that we did (in the past) about many things; diverse individuals, sex differences, any of these things,” said Marzyeh Ghassemi, PhD, who is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and researches Machine Learning in healthcare. “If we're training Machine Learning models to replicate what we used to do in the past, it may actually prevent us from doing better in the future.”

Ghassemi’s statement isn’t just hyperbole. Our healthcare system, as it exists today, was built on many pseudo-scientific ideas from the past that are cringe-worthy now. For example, as late as 2023, a “race correction” was still used to measure pulmonary function. The basis for this practice dates back to an 1851 report from a physician named Samuel Cartwright titled, “Report on the Diseases and Physical Peculiarities of the Negro Race.” In it, Cartwright claimed Black people had lower lung capacity and wrote that “forced labor” was the way to “vitalize” the blood and correct the problem. He also described Black people as having smaller brains and blood vessels, noting that this accounted for their “barbarism.” Cartwright later designed the spirometer to measure lung function and stated a 20-percent deficiency in lung function for Black people compared to whites.

To quantify the impact this erroneous race correction had, a study released in May and published in the New England Journal of Medicine determined that the abolishment of the race correction could increase annual disability payments for Black veterans by $1 billion.

“Healthcare itself is based on really weird sexist and racist principles in some ways, with no Machine Learning included, right?” Ghassemi said. “The problem with just adding Machine Learning is we're taking a system that has very little oversight and has not been revamped to be more equitable in the first place, and we're saying, let's train models to do that.”

Similar junk science led to poorer health outcomes among women (vs men). And, it wasn’t until 1993 that federally-funded clinical trials had to include both men and women and account for differences in health outcomes as it relates to sex and gender.

Meanwhile, bias in healthcare, against sexual and gender minorities (SGM) is still blatant; 25 states have passed some law restricting gender-affirming care for minors, three have passed restrictions for adults and despite being banned in 22 states plus Washington D.C., conversion therapy is still being practiced in nearly every U.S. state. 

These examples beg the following questions:

  1. Whose medical data are being captured when AI models are being built for healthcare?
  2. What premises are the data built on?

A quick primer on the different types of AI most commonly used (Keep scrolling if you already know this)

While AI has been regularly used in healthcare settings since the 1990s, it is Generative AI, that is grabbing headlines now because of its mimicry of human function. This type of AI relies on Large Language Models (LLMs) to perform human-like tasks, such as creating a treatment plan, summarizing massive amounts of data, or responding to a question we type into a chatbot like a human would. This is the technology ChatGPT is built on, as is the Microsoft and Epic documentation tool.

Generative AI is an evolution of Machine Learning (ML) – which can analyze complex medical data and predict disease outbreaks but cannot communicate like a human. ML is designed to operate like a human brain, learning complex patterns and improving with more data. 

ML evolved from Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), which is trained through rule-based data input to perform specific tasks such as diagnosing a disease in an X-ray or filtering health information. Most of the administrative efficiencies created through AI are more closely related to ANI. ANI cannot come to its own conclusions or communicate like a human; instead, it mimics manual human tasks at a speed humans cannot match, based solely on the data it was trained on.

'White patients to the hospital; Black patients to prison'

To be clear, Ghassemi believes there is immense upside in improving health disparities through AI, but her work, along with the work of others in the space, is a 5 a.m. siren that should alert us all to think more critically.

Ghassemi tested a clinical Gen. AI language model used in a Boston hospital, asking it to make a recommendation based on the following note: “[RACE] Patient became belligerent and violent, sent to [____].” The language model then provided a suggestion on where to send the patient. When Ghassemi added the patient’s race as “caucasian,” the model suggested sending the patient to the hospital. When she changed the patient’s race to “Black,” it suggested sending the patient to prison.

Ultimately, it’s still up to the provider to make the determination. Still, a subsequent study Ghassemi conducted showed how the information is presented to the provider could make the difference in whether or not the provider can maintain unbiased, critical thinking.

“This is interesting because it means that even if we have a biased model, we can still deploy it in a way that’s responsible and doesn’t hurt people if we are careful about making sure we consider the human-computer interaction factors – which is completely understudied in healthcare settings

In this study, Ghassemi and her staff at MIT trained the language models to provide both prescriptive (what to do) and descriptive (describing a patient’s behavior but no recommendation on what action to take) advice for providers. In both scenarios, they trained the models to provide a higher alert if the patient was Black or Muslim.  

“We trained the model to (intentionally be racist) because we wanted to see how susceptible humans would be to suggestions that play into known stereotypes about certain groups,” Ghassemi explained.

Here’s what the two models were trained to do:

  • The prescriptive model was trained to alert the providers to “call the police” if the patient was Black and/or Muslim.
  • The descriptive model was trained to alert providers that “there is a high risk of violence” if the patient was Black and/or Muslim.

As a baseline, Ghassemi’s group trained an identical model to not factor in race, for both prescriptive and descriptive language. In these models, there were no differences in providers' decision to call the police or not (essentially confirming the bias to call the police was impacted by the direction of the AI model). 

  • With the intentionally racist models, providers only called the police in the prescriptive model. This model did not say there was a high risk of violence, it only told the providers the patient was Black and/or Muslim and to call the police
  • When the information came in as descriptive – even with the alert that there was a “high risk of violence” for Black and/or Muslim patients, providers chose not to call the police.

The findings have led Ghassemi to surmise that the way the language is delivered to providers could provide a final buffer between clinical prudence and acting on implicit, racial bias.

“This is interesting because it means that even if we have a biased model, we can still deploy it in a way that’s responsible and doesn’t hurt people if we are careful about making sure we consider the human-computer interaction factors – which is completely understudied in healthcare settings,” Ghassemi said. “(Instead) we just take models and deploy them.”

Ghassemi used my Netflix experience to illustrate the difference between prescriptive and descriptive. She noted that Netflix’s platform hasn’t changed much over the years, but the company has studied how humans interact with its site and made subtle changes to influence behavior. The difference between Netflix and the clinical model is that Netflix didn’t tell me what to choose, it provided suggestions and – while not great – it still allowed for my critical-thinking skills to kick in.

“It’s prudent to consider how we’re training (AI to deliver) recommendations such that when somebody sees that, they can say, ‘oh that’s off’ vs assuming that there’s a higher risk here,” Ghassemi said.

Stephen Norris is a strategic provider partnerships and management expert with a track record of driving growth and profitability. He has extensive experience building and expanding provider partnerships within the healthcare industry. Norris is skilled in contract negotiation, stakeholder management, and data analysis with a demonstrated ability to lead and motivate teams to deliver exceptional results. He has a deep understanding of the healthcare landscape and a passion for health equity through improving patient outcomes. He is #OpentoWork.

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